Forest Bluff School

Montessori Alumni

Discover the remarkable influence of Montessori education through notable alumni like Larry Page, Sergey Brin, and Jeff Bezos, who credit their Montessori backgrounds for shaping their innovative thinking and success.

Explore how other well-known figures, from George Clooney to Thomas Edison, advocate for the Montessori approach and its impact on fostering creativity and critical thinking.

Shaping Success and Innovation

The success of Montessori education is well represented in notable Montessori alumni. Undoubtedly, the most famous of these internationally are the cofounders of Google, Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Both Page and Brin speak compellingly of the influence their Montessori education has had on their approach to problem solving, their enthusiasm for the arts, and their creative response to life.

In addition to these remarkable Montessori alumni, there have been many well-known advocates of Montessori education.

The articles listed below discuss the invaluable impact of a Montessori education on the success of several noteworthy Montessori alumni:

“The Montessori Mafia,” Wall Street Journal

"Tech Innovators Who Went to Montessori School," Business Insider

"Corporate Kindergarten: How a Montessori Mindset can Transform your Business," Forbes

Well-Known Montessori Alumni

  • Jeff Bezos: Founder,
  • David Blaine: Magician
  • Barry Brazelton: Pediatrician and Author
  • Julia Child: Restaurant and Television Chef /Author
  • George Clooney: Academy Award Winning Actor
  • Peter Drucker: Professor of Business Management
  • Dakota Fanning: Actress
  • Anne Frank: Author and Child Diarist, WWII
  • Katharine Graham: Publisher, The Washington Post
  • Helen Hunt: Academy Award Winning Actress
  • Gabriel Garcia Marquez: Nobel Prize Winner, Literature
  • Jimmy Wales: Founder, Wikipedia
  • Will Wright: Game Innovator, “The Sims”
  • Fred Rogers: Children's Television Personality

Montessori Advocates of World Renown

  • Alexander Graham Bell: Educator and Inventor
  • Thomas Edison: Scientist and Inventor
  • Helen Parkhurst: Founder, The Dalton School
  • Jean Piaget: Child Psychologist and Author
  • Erik Erikson: Psychologist and Author
  • Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi: Professor and Author of Flow

"My family and I would like to thank you for all you do for our boys. Forest Bluff is a special place that provides so much value to our lives. Our boys enjoy attending your school and we enjoy seeing the progress they have made over the years. You have a difficult task in maintaining a school with today's high pressure society and I appreciate your courage to stay true to the Montessori principles. I must admit--I was confused about the school at first, but seeing firsthand the sense of accomplishment in our boy's eyes--I am a true believer! It's about building their self-esteem through accomplishment and not about how the kids compare to the rest of the class. I feel like this simple concept gets lost many times in the fast paced world we live in. So: thank you for helping me understand this important fact of life."

Marty M.

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